Common Health Concerns for Older Women


Much of the women’s health research conducted today is focused on women during their reproductive years. Also, much of the aging-related research is strictly focused on older men. However, health issues occur in both men and women who are older, and it is essential to understand the risk factors facing women during their Golden Years. Keep reading to learn what these are. 

Bone Health 

It has been proven that women have thinner and smaller bones than men. As a woman’s hormones change after they go through menopause, which means the risk of osteoporosis increases. When this happens, it can cause fractures that rob a senior of their independence. It is estimated that up to 80% of people who have osteoporosis are women

Heart Health

Cardiologists have revealed that the risk factors, causes, and treatment for heart disease are different for women than men. This is another situation where hormonal issues and changes could increase the likelihood of heart-related problems. 

Also, many people do not realize that the symptoms of a heart attack differ in women and men. For example, while women may experience the common shortness of breath and chest pain, they are also more likely to deal with nausea and back pain symptoms. 

Brain Health

According to experts, senior women have a higher likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia types than men. This is because women tend to live longer than men, and the risk of these conditions increases as you age. Factors like a woman’s education, reproductive history, and even hormones (once again) also factor into the equation. Also, what makes the situation even more complex is that Alzheimer’s disease is more difficult to diagnose in women than men. 


While men may experience incontinence issues, it is estimated that twice as many women will have this problem. It is most common in women who have gone through menopause. It may be due to the weakening of pelvic muscles, which is a common occurrence as you age, or the increased likelihood of UTIs (urinary tract infections). It could even be due to the ongoing effects of childbirth and pregnancy. 

Anxiety and Depression

Issues related to depression and anxiety are twice as likely in women than in men. Again, this is due in part to hormonal imbalances; however, there is not all. Other issues include changes in a woman’s circumstances, financial concerns, and health problems. 

Overcoming Common Health Concerns 

When it comes to overcoming these common health concerns, help may be required. If this is the case, using the services of in-home care can be invaluable. With these services, you can have someone help you prevent these conditions and manage any issues that you may already be dealing with. 

Knowing the most common issues for women is the best way to minimize health problems and ensure you remain healthy and happy throughout your Golden Years. Learn more about home health to see how it may be beneficial.