Hidden Struggles: Exploring the Causes of Mood Changes in Seniors

As we age, life can become more challenging. From physical limitations to financial pressures, aging often brings a host of new difficulties that can be difficult to manage. Unfortunately, these worries can often leave seniors feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and moody.

These mood changes are usually detected by family members or providers of home health care in Gilbert, AZ. You are responsible for figuring out the underlying causes of these mood changes and addressing them. Doing this can make you and the senior citizen in your life much happier.

Keep reading to learn about common causes of mood swings in senior citizens.

Social Isolation

As humans, we have an innate need for social interaction. When seniors cannot regularly visit friends or family, they can feel lonely and isolated. This lack of connection leads to decreased feelings of purpose and belonging, which can cause depression.

Depression is among the most common causes of mood swings in senior citizens. Symptoms include sadness, loss of interest in activities, low energy levels, difficulty concentrating, and changes to sleeping and eating patterns. If left untreated, depression can lead to further emotional turmoil for seniors.

One of the best ways to make a senior citizen feel more engaged is by investing in home health care in Gilbert, AZ. The providers of this care will communicate with your elderly loved one. This will make them feel more connected and less isolated.

Medication Side Effects

Some medications, particularly those used to treat chronic conditions or mental health issues, can have side effects that impact mood and behavior. These side effects can range from mild to severe and include changes in energy levels, sleep patterns, appetite, concentration, and emotional state.

If you suspect that your elderly loved one's medication may be causing mood swings, here are a few tips for managing the side effects:

  • Work closely with their doctor. Ask for detailed information about potential side effects and how to manage them.

  • Review all medications at least once a year. Talk to the senior citizen's doctor or pharmacist if any changes should be made.

  • Monitor the senior citizen's mood. Keep track of any changes in behavior or emotional state and report them to their doctor if necessary.

With the help of a medical doctor, you can diagnose and address medication side effects.

Poor Sleep Quality

Sleep disturbances or insomnia can majorly contribute to mood changes and irritability in seniors. Poor sleep quality can lead to decreased concentration, impaired memory, and heightened stress and anxiety. Lack of restful sleep can also cause older adults to feel unmotivated and lethargic daily.

To combat this, it is essential to create a healthy sleeping environment for your elderly loved one. Ensure their bedroom is free from distractions such as the television or other electronics. Consider using blackout curtains and white noise machines to reduce external stimuli. Finally, ensure they get regular physical activity during the day and limit caffeine intake in the afternoon.

We Offer Home Health Care in Gilbert, AZ!

Are you struggling to care for an elderly loved one? If so, it's time to take advantage of home health care in Gilbert, AZ!