Preventing Infections: The Importance of Housekeeping in Elderly Care

A clean and safe environment is essential for everyone, especially for senior citizens. Home care services in Gilbert, AZ, understand this need. They provide personal care and ensure the cleanliness of senior citizens' homes. These service providers have the equipment and trained staff to handle the cleaning tasks effectively, ensuring that every corner of the house is cleaned and sanitized.

Keeping the house clean does more than just make it look good. It also helps prevent infections, a significant concern for senior citizens with their vulnerable health conditions.

Keep reading to learn more about how the cleaning a home care service performs can help reduce the threat of infections for a senior citizen.

Cleaning High-Contact Areas

High-contact areas, like bedside tables, door handles, and personal items, are often hotspots for germs. It's crucial to clean these spots regularly to keep the house germ-free. Home care services in Gilbert, AZ, use approved disinfectants to clean these areas.

Disinfectants are unique cleaning solutions that kill germs and prevent them from spreading. When used correctly, they can significantly reduce the chance of germ transmission. Seniors are more susceptible to infections, so it's essential to thoroughly clean and disinfect these high-contact areas.

Bathroom Sanitization

Bathrooms are places we go to get clean, but ironically, they can also be a breeding ground for germs. This fact is especially true for older people who may need assistance with personal care. Our home care service understands this and knows how to fight it. 

Bathrooms are frequently used, and many surfaces come into contact with germs. To combat this, our home care service uses specialized cleaning products that effectively kill germs and prevent their spread. These products are safe for seniors and don't produce any harsh fumes that could irritate their sensitive respiratory systems.

Safe Kitchen Protocols

The kitchen is a vital part of any home. It's where meals are prepared, but it's also a gathering spot, a place for conversation, and a source of warmth and comfort. However, it can also be a source of germs if not cleaned properly.

Our home care service follows safe kitchen protocols to ensure that the kitchen is clean and safe for our senior clients. These protocols include regularly washing and sanitizing all surfaces, utensils, and cooking equipment used in meal preparation.

This helps prevent cross-contamination and eliminates any harmful germs that may be lurking in the kitchen. We also clean and disinfect the refrigerator, as it is often overlooked but can harbor bacteria if not cleaned regularly.

Are You Looking For a Home Care Service in Gilbert, AZ?

A clean home is essential for the well-being of our senior citizens. Using professional home care services in Gilbert, AZ, you can ensure your loved ones' homes are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, reducing their risk of infections.

It's a small but significant step in providing a safe and healthy environment for our elderly loved ones. Let us help you keep your home clean and your senior loved ones safe!